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Vetology Innovation Principles

Vetology delivers innovation with “impact” for veterinary health providers.

We help our customers discover areas of innovation that will extend their portfolio of services. We help identify and deliver innovations that will: further enhance the quality of care; find and capture untapped sources of revenue; and take profitability to new levels.

We invest in and develop our own innovative technology for our customers to use.

We explore, test and integrate innovations emerging from animal health and other industries. We recognize that our veterinary customers are busy delivering their core services.

They have little available time to find, test and ‘execute’ an innovation. To address this, we provide a full-service team that acts as an ‘always on’ extension to their business.

  • Insight from data and information to design and performance enhancements

  • Impact – improve quality of care and revenues

  • Swift – find fast, implement fast, test fast, succeed fast

  • Thrifty – innovation can be affordable

(There is a) tremendous amount of craftsmanship between an idea and execution. Execution is worth millions, an idea is just a multiplier. Steve Jobs